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Seasoned Sacramento Injury Attorneys

Will Workers’ Comp Cover Any Medical Treatment I Need?


Workers’ compensation is intended to help employees recover from workplace injuries as soon as possible. It does this by providing compensation to help them afford the medical treatment they need to recover and re-enter the workforce.

Not all work-related injuries are the same, though. Some can be so severe that they require an extensive amount of medical care to treat. If someone is so severely injured at work, will workers’ compensation cover everything they need?

Workers’ Comp Coverage for Medical Costs

Fortunately, there is no limit on workers’ compensation medical benefits in California – or any other state, for that matter. If your injury or illness requires extensive (and expensive) surgery or other medical procedures to address, you can reasonably hope for the compensation you need.

Essentially, this means that there’s technically no limit to workers’ comp medical care coverage for a work-related injury. If you were previously unaware, this might be the good news you’ve been waiting to hear. Any medical costs associated with treatment for your work injury should be fully covered by workers’ comp.

Such medical costs include the following:

  • Doctor Copays
  • Prescription Medication
  • Insurance Deductibles
  • Travel to and from Medical Providers

It’s no secret that the American healthcare system can be expensive to deal with, but your workers’ comp claim can cover all of the medical treatment you need without having to worry about its cost.

Only Necessary Treatments Are Covered

Perhaps a sobering reminder is that only necessary medical treatments will be covered by workers’ compensation. Determined by a doctor, the medical treatment you receive will be limited to what it takes for you to reach maximum medical improvement (MMI).

If a certain medical treatment or procedure doesn’t contribute to your MMI, then the insurance company will probably step in to say it’s elective and deny coverage. This can be a frustrating experience, especially if you disagree with the doctor about what it will take for you to fully recover.

For your free consultation, please contact us online or call us at (916) 571-0400.
