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Repetitive Trauma Work Injuries

Get Help from Our Sacramento Workers' Comp Attorneys

Repetitive trauma, also known as cumulative trauma, repetitive motion injuries, and repetitive strain injuries, develops over time. Carpal tunnel syndrome, a debilitating injury of the wrist, is perhaps the most widely known example. However, repetitive trauma can impact almost any joint in the body.

40+ Years Handling Workers’ Compensation Cases

At the law offices of Smolich and Smolich, our Sacramento workers’ compensation attorneys have more than 40 years of experience handling cases involving repetitive trauma in the lower back, which can develop from years of heavy lifting, as well as those involving repetitive trauma in the knees, shoulders, and more.

Victims of repetitive strain injuries must realize that they have valid workers' compensation claims. Even if your injuries were not suffered in a single workplace accident, your claim is just as valid and your injuries are just as serious. In fact, these injuries can be career-ending in many cases.

Some examples of repetitive trauma injuries include:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Bursitis
  • Tendonitis
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Chronic pain

Get the Medical Treatment You Need to Make a Recovery!

Surgery, physical therapy, or some other form of medical treatment may be required to address repetitive trauma injuries of the shoulder, knee, lower back, and other areas. We work hard to make certain that workers' compensation covers the medical treatment you need and that you are not forced to suffer any longer than necessary.

The true goal of worker's compensation should be to help you get better and back to work, if at all possible. The priority of our Sacramento lawyers is to ensure that you obtain the full and fair amount you need to make a complete recovery.

Contact Smolich and Smolich online or call us at (916) 571-0400 to schedule your free case evaluation!

Recent Reviews

  • Fantastic and Wonderful

    “Sarah Greer and Sam Eldaly from Smolich & Smolich are a fabulous team to work with. I had to apply for SSDI due to my Parkinsons and they handled it not only a professionals but as if they were sitting across the table from me in person the entire time. They are a dynamite team! I highly recommend them to anyone for a fantastic and timely managed experience. Thank you Smolich & Smolich!”

    Barbara Light

  • I am so happy to have such knowledgeable and helpful people to help during this difficult time. Sam was super responsive and always willing to answer questions, regardless how big or small.

    “My circumstances were a bit unusual - my husband applied for Social Security Disability, but unfortunately passed away during the review process. Sam and Sarah worked diligently to see the case through to the end, and provide our family the benefits we were owed. A special thank you to Sam, he was always very responsive, willing to go above and beyond, and willing to answer questions whether big or small. Thank you, Smolich and Smolich!”

    Smolich and Smolich is so helpful!

  • Thank you Sarah and team!

    “I needed to apply for disability and knew nothing about how to go about it. Sarah called me and explained the process and assured me everything would be okay. Her staff went online to fill out my application. She and Marlena kept me updated every step of the way. Within a short time a decision was made in my favor. I cannot tell you how many sleepless nights I had prior to meeting with the team. I would recommend them to anyone who needs help in this area. Thank you so much for all your hard work. Without you I could have never done this.”


  • I was blessed the day I contacted this firm!

    “I was blessed the day I contacted this firm! Sarah Greer and Sam Eldaly we're an amazing team while handling my Social Security Disability appeal. They were very proactive, kept me up to date on the status of my case and we're always available to ease my mind. I am so thankful for the help I received from my team! They far exceeded all my expectations!”

    Mandie Lou

  • They know what it takes to win. Thank you all so much!

    “Thank you so much for your help. I was denied twice by social security disability. They are the most diligent and wonderfully. Yes it takes a while to get a hearing. If it wasn't for the great staff and attorneys here, I would have never been approved for disability. It was the best Christmas gift i received. They know what it takes to win. Thank you all so much!”

    Nanci Stewart